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Our Vision:

To Preach the Name of JESUS to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth.

Jesus loves you!!!



Welcome, and thank you for visiting our online site. We are excited to announce our new Church in the Elizabeth / Kiowa / Parker area in Colorado.

Our Mission


To fully equip believers everywhere through God's Word. As the Apostle Paul stated in Ephesians 4:11: And He (Jesus) gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God - to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.



Jesus is LORD!


We preach Jesus Christ and Him Cruicified!  Jesus came personally manifested in the flesh to redeem us and give us new life in Him!




  • Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 am. at 6711 Arrowhead Trl, Elizabeth, CO 



Contact Pastors Eddie or Jeri Sue Blackwell at 720-493-8413 for more information.


​Suggested Reading List

Destined to Reign by Joseph Prince.  

The Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince

New Creation Realities by E.W. Kenyon

God's Will for You by Gloria Copeland

God's Will is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland

Fulfilling God's Plan for Your Life by Kenneth E. Hagin

Plans, Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth E. Hagin

The Triumphant Church and The Believer's Authority both by Kenneth E. Hagin

Tongues, Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin

How God Taught Me About Biblical Prosperity by Kenneth E. Hagin

Taking Your Place in Christ by W. Mark Hankins

Identification with Christ by W. Mark Hankins


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Thoughts for Today:

This year - the year of 2020 is a year that we as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must take our place in prayer and exercise the authority the Lord gave to us when He ascended on high.  Read through the epistles of Ephesians and Colossians and dare to take your rightful place in prayer!  Read through Bro. Kenneth Hagin's books: The Believer's Authority and the Triumphant Church and notice that our place in the plan of God is to continue to take dominion over all the works of darkness and believe the Lord for an outpouring of His Spirit like we've never seen before!   

Read and notice that the 3 "frog-like" spirits that came up out of the Atlantic to come across this nation were strategies of the devil targeted toward our economic, political and social scenes in this nation. These are the same spirits that did their best to disrupt and create chaos in this nation in prior years and are trying to do so now. 

Our place is to bind those spirits and their strategies and declare them unlawful and unable to do any more harm in our nation and to loose the angels, ministering spirits of God to help us carry out this mighty end time move of God and bring in the harvest that our Father is waiting for.  

The time is NOW - pray and take your place of authority NOW in the Name of Jesus!

Healing Resources:


First and foremost, spend time with Jesus in the Gospels and just read His Healing ministry as He went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil.  See Him as He ministers to those who came to Him.


Then, we highly recommend the following materials as a resource to you:


Health and Wholeness through the Holy Communion - this resource is available through Joseph Prince Ministries as either DVDs or as a book.  (


Eat Your Way to Life and Health - Unlock the power of the Holy Communion by Joseph Prince


Healing Promises from Your Savior - DVD from Joseph Prince Ministries.


Healing is for You  - CD set from Joseph Prince Ministries.



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